Tytuł artykułu
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Konkurencyjność polskich produktów mleczarskich w opinii personelu zarządzającego
Języki publikacji
Aim: In this paper we aim to recognize competitivenessof Polish dairy products by surveying manage-rial personnel in dairy companies. The opinions of dairy plant managers on dairy product diversification constitute a valid research problem.
Methods: The study was conducted in 100 dairy companies in Poland in 2021. An online questionnaire was initially designed for surveying all dairy plants in Poland (163). However, the survey proved to be problematic, and the study was ultimately carried out with the personal involvement of the research team. The results were processed and presented with the use of tabular, graphic, and descriptive methods. To check if COVID-19 pandemic had impact on competitiveness we used the logit model.
Results: The respondents evaluated dairy products, variations in product prices, determinants of product success, product-related activities, and other factors. Dairy products received the highest scores for quality, demand, and brand on a scale of 1-5 points. Production, marketing, and reputa-tion were regarded as the key determinants of market success. We wanted to recognize which factors decrease the negative impact of COVID-19 in Polish dairy enterprises. We found that it was ease of shopping, use of transport companies and competition in the sector. Managers also indicated product attributes that require improvement. According to them, the greatest improvements were needed in terms of innovation (53%), product range (52%), and observance of market trends (51%).
Conclusions: Using the logit model we found that the impact of COVID-19 was particularly decreased by number of employed people, use of transport companies, ease of shopping and competition in the sector. (original abstract)
Methods: The study was conducted in 100 dairy companies in Poland in 2021. An online questionnaire was initially designed for surveying all dairy plants in Poland (163). However, the survey proved to be problematic, and the study was ultimately carried out with the personal involvement of the research team. The results were processed and presented with the use of tabular, graphic, and descriptive methods. To check if COVID-19 pandemic had impact on competitiveness we used the logit model.
Results: The respondents evaluated dairy products, variations in product prices, determinants of product success, product-related activities, and other factors. Dairy products received the highest scores for quality, demand, and brand on a scale of 1-5 points. Production, marketing, and reputa-tion were regarded as the key determinants of market success. We wanted to recognize which factors decrease the negative impact of COVID-19 in Polish dairy enterprises. We found that it was ease of shopping, use of transport companies and competition in the sector. Managers also indicated product attributes that require improvement. According to them, the greatest improvements were needed in terms of innovation (53%), product range (52%), and observance of market trends (51%).
Conclusions: Using the logit model we found that the impact of COVID-19 was particularly decreased by number of employed people, use of transport companies, ease of shopping and competition in the sector. (original abstract)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ponanie konkurencyjności polskich produktów mleczarskich poprzez badanie kadry kierowniczej w firmach mleczarskich. Opinie kierowników zakładów mleczarskich na temat dywersyfikacji produktów mleczarskich stanowią ważny problem badawczy. Badanie przeprowadzono w 100 firmach mleczarskich w Polsce w 2021 r. Ankieta internetowa została pierwotnie zaprojektowana do badania wszystkich zakładów mleczarskich w Polsce (163). Ankieta okazała się jednak problematyczna i ostatecznie badanie zostało przeprowadzone przy osobistym zaangażowaniu zespołu badawczego. Wyniki zostały przetworzone i zaprezentowane metodami tabelarycznymi, graficznymi i opisowymi. Aby sprawdzić, czy pandemia COVID-19 miała wpływ na konkurencyjność, wykorzystaliśmy model logitowy. Respondenci oceniali produkty mleczne, wahania cen produktów, determinanty sukcesu produktu, działania związane z produktem i inne czynniki. Produkty mleczne otrzymały najwyższe oceny za jakość, popyt i markę w skali 1-5 punktów. Produkcja, marketing i reputacja zostały uznane za kluczowe wyznaczniki sukcesu rynkowego. Chcieliśmy rozpoznać, które czynniki zmniejszają negatywny wpływ COVID-19 na polskie przedsiębiorstwa mleczarskie. Stwierdziliśmy, że była to łatwość zakupów, korzystanie z firm transportowych i konkurencja w sektorze. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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- Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
- Pennsylvania State University, USA
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