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2023 | 16 | nr 1 | 159--175
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Inside Entrepreneurial Orientation : Do Risk-Taking and Innovativeness Influence Proactiveness?

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The article focuses on the interdependencies within entrepreneurial orientation. The objective of the study was to verify the relationship between risk-taking and innovativeness, on the one hand, and proactiveness on the other hand, as three elements of entrepreneurial orientation of internationalized firms. The main research question the article answers is: In what way do risk-taking and innovativeness influence proactiveness within the interrelated three-dimensional construct of entrepreneurial orientation? The article employs structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) to analyse survey results based on a stratified sampling of 355 internationalized firms from Poland. The empirical findings demonstrate the positive impact of risk-taking (RISK) and innovativeness (INNO) on proactiveness (PROACT) within the interrelated three-dimensional construct of entrepreneurial orientation. Moreover, the level of risk-taking (RISK) and innovativeness (INNO) accounts for 36% of the variation in proactiveness (PROACT), which is considered high in social sciences, including business studies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Krakow University of Economics
  • Krakow University of Economics
  • Krakow University of Economics
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