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2022 | nr 11 | 33--42
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Jakościowa analiza wpływu metaverse na dobrostan pracowników

Warianty tytułu
Qualitative Analysis of Metaverse Impact on Employee Well-being
Języki publikacji
The metaverse represents another technological evo- lution aimed at creating a mirror world to the current one enriched with augmented reality. The authors of the article aim to assess the impact of the metaverse on human well-being. This study uses the method of critical analysis of the literature based on which they will provide an overview of the definition of the metaverse and iden- tify the main directions of metaverse impact on human well-being. The result of the research will be an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of human functioning in the metaverse and to identify both positive and negative factors affecting human well-being within the framework of sustainable development. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Politechnika Warszawska
  • Politechnika Warszawska
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