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Creativity as a Project Manager' Professional Competence
Języki publikacji
The article aims to show the importance of creativity in the work of a project manager, in particular at the recruitment stage for this position, as well as to identify at which stage of the recruitment process and how this competence is verified. The authors of the publication argue that creativity is one of the key professional competences of a project manager, which is currently required by employers, although it is difficult to identify in the recruitment process. A literature analysis was carried out and case studies were presented for project organizations describing the requirements for creativity in the Project Manager's future work. The data was collected on the basis of a form containing open questions and Individual In-depth Interview (IDI) with respondents. The questions concerned incorporating of the creativity in the publication of job advertisements, incorporating of the creativity during recruitment interviews, the level of the recruitment stage during which this competence is verified, the method of verifying competence during the job interview, a formal certification of creativity before starting work as a Project Manager. Research has shown that creativity is a competence required by modern organizations and verified during the recruitment process. The skills in the field of creativity are evidenced, among others, by unconventional approach to the project, i.e. the use of non-standard and sometimes even non-obvious solutions. During the recruitment process, organisations pay attention to references, successes and achievements that have been obtained so far, as well as the way of solving the recruitment tasks. (original abstract)
- Politechnika Warszawska
- Politechnika Warszawska
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