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2023 | 14 | nr 1 | 355--388
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A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Barriers, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Intentions, and Behaviors : a Social Cognitive Career Theory Perspective

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Research background: Although perceived barriers are considered one of the central constructs in entrepreneurship research, most previous studies only examine the direct effect of perceived barriers on attitudes and/or intentions to become entrepreneurs. Little attention is paid to how perceived barriers can weaken individuals' translation from entrepreneurial intentions to actual behaviors.
Purpose of the article: This research aims to adopt the Social Cognitive Career Theory and a moderated mediation model to bridge the entrepreneurial intention-action link, investigate the moderation effects of perceived barriers on this link and the mediation path from entrepreneurial self-efficacy to entrepreneurial behavior via entrepreneurial intention.
Methods: A valid sample of 1,698 Vietnamese respondents with real working and business experiences through the stratified random sampling with three stages and PROCESS macro approach have been used to examine the moderated mediation effect of perceived barriers on the entrepreneurial self-efficacy-intention-behavior linkages.
Findings & value added: The findings of this study shed new light on entrepreneurial literature by applying the Social Cognitive Career Theory to illustrate the moderated mediation effects of perceived barriers and entrepreneurial intention in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial behavior. Particularly, the translation from entrepreneurial intentions into start-up actions was found to became weaker when perceived barriers was high. Moreover, perceived barriers were also found to negatively moderate the indirect effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on start-up behaviors through entrepreneurial intentions. The findings of our study also provide several essential recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to encourage individuals' business venture creations and enhance entrepreneurial ecosystem. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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