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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze possibilities of using sentiment analysis in project management. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives were achieved by analyzing the sentiment on the mailing lists of the open-source project run by the Apache Software Foundation. The main method used for the research was calculation of sentiment and a comparison of its course with the events taking place in the surroundings of the project. Findings: We have found that the attitude of users, as the main stakeholders, changes with the change of external factors (caused by the COVID-19 pandemic). At the same time, using lexical methods, it is not possible to determine the cause, but only the fact that such a change has occurred. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation in research was using only one project. It must be checked on other similar projects. Other future research direction are using other than lexical methods. Practical implications: The obtained outcomes allow for positive thinking about the possibility of using sentiment analysis in project management. This will require the definition of appropriate indicators and the definition of methods for their use. Originality/value The novelty of the paper is comparison stakeholders (users) sentiment with external factor influencing on project.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Economics in Katowice
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