z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: The aim of this article is to present professional burnout of employees in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic and to address the following research question: how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the phenomenon of professional burnout and is there a high frequency of burnout in Polish enterprises and is it a serious problem that has a negative impact on all working people? Design/methodology/approach: The research methods used in the paper include: a critical analysis of source literature, survey method, and analysis of primary data. The paper presents the results of the original studies carried out in Poland in 2020. Findings: The results of the research presented in the article reveal that Polish workplaces show a high frequency of professional burnout and that this is a serious problem having a negative impact on all working individuals. Large groups of people are professionally burnt out and there are also individuals who exhibit symptoms preceding burnout and - because of the lack of knowledge - they cannot determine themselves whether the problem at hand affects them. It was also proven that burnout occurs more often in large workplaces and in professions involving contacts with clients. It was also shown that a considerable number of employers and employees do not possess knowledge of the issue and that the syndrome is frequently disregarded. Research limitations/implications: Since the examined issue is wide and multifaceted, the article discusses only the most important problem professionally burnout. Originality/value: The issues presented in the article, concerning professional burnout, have not never been studied in a pandemic crisis situation. Examining selected aspects of professional burnout can extend knowledge of Polish organisations in connection with COVID-19.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- University of Szczecin
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