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2023 | 16 | nr 1 | 112--127
Tytuł artykułu

Determinants of Indonesia's Shrimp Commodity Export

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Języki publikacji
For the last decade, Indonesia has exhibited enormous fishery potential, especially in shrimp commodities, in terms of quantity, export value, and annual production. In Indonesia, shrimp is the commodity with the highest number of transactions compared to other fishery commodities. This research on the factors of Indonesian shrimp exports can be used as a reference and provide more detailed information useful for the government and Indonesian shrimp exporters. Panel data regression analysis and the gravity model were used to obtain the best REM model using GLS. Research results indicated that the GDP per capita of the importing country, distance, and the population of the importing country significantly influenced the export value of Indonesian shrimp. At the same time, the exchange rate was an insignificant variable. Therefore, to increase Indonesia's shrimp export potential, the government and Indonesian shrimp exporters must consider to the importing country's GDP per capita and the selection of partner countries. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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