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2022 | z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges | 85--96
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Impact of Organizational Identification on Unethical Pro-supervisor Behavior: Moderating Role of Charisma

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Purpose: Investigating the relationship between the organizational identification of employees and their inclination toward unethical pro-supervisor behavior in the context of a leader's charisma. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative study (N = 389) on a population representing different businesses in Poland. An analysis of correlation and moderation was carried out. The conceptual framework of the theory of social identification was applied. Findings: The leader's charisma was found to be a moderator of the impact of staff's organizational identification on unethical pro-supervisor behavior. When the leader's charisma is high, greater identification with the organization translates into a lower inclination toward unethical pro-supervisor behavior. Research limitations/implications: The study sample was not statistically representative, and the study was cross-sectional. Similar research should be conducted in the future that covers the supervisor-subordinate dyads. Practical implications: Attention should be paid to unethical pro-supervisor behavior when developing ethical codes and good practices in companies. Positive aspects of charisma should be considered when evaluating a leader's competencies. Originality/value: This paper helps better understand unethical pro-supervisor behavior determinants and indicates the role of charisma in the process.(original abstract)
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