z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: Research is drawing attention to the roles of HR employees in supporting organisations in their efforts to achieve sustainable development. Employees of HR departments are characterised by a relatively high level of social sensitivity, which may indicate their increased commitment to the implementation of CSR. This article aims to analyse attitudes towards CSR among HR specialists and the extent to which the levels of their social sensitivity influence their attitudes towards CSR. Design/methodology/approach: We look at CSR attitudes through the prism of their cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components. The Bochum Inventory for job-related personality description of Rudiger Hossiep and Michael Paschen (BIP) was used to diagnose the level of social sensitivity. Research was conducted among 25 HR specialists and HR business partners. Findings: The research confirmed that the level of social sensitivity positively affects the cognitive and behavioral component of attitudes towards CSR. People with a higher level of social sensitivity tend to understand CSR more in normative terms, show a higher personal level of commitment to CSR and are more likely to take initiatives for CSR activities at work. Research limitations/implications: Research limitations include the size of the sample and the lack of equivalence among the compared groups. The methodological difficulty resulted from the ambiguity of the concept of empathy as well as from the fact that the involvement and promotion of attitudes that are related to CSR most likely have a polymotitivational character, which may be influenced by other individual, situational, social, or cultural variables that concern both the individual and the organisation. Practical implications: It can be concluded that the level of personal involvement in CSR - a natural training of empathy that takes place in the organisation - may increase sensitivity to others and arouse motivation to act for the benefit of the environment. Originality/value: Research makes us look at social sensitivity as a factor that stimulates action and also structures the cognitive system by directing the attention and thinking processes and, thus, as one of the possible predictors for individuals to build attitudes that are related to CSR.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- AGH University of Science and Technology
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