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Management System Of The Local Government Administration Office. Good Governance Concept Perspective
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The monograph deals with the issue of the relevance of applying the principles of good governance in the management systems of local government administration offices in the context of the satisfaction of the residents of communes and the residents' assessment of the local government offices. The issue is multidimensional, complex, and goes beyond the discipline of management sciences. Resulting from the inclusion of the topic in the area of public management, which, being a subdiscipline of management sciences, it uses the achievements of both political sciences and administration sciences. The book consists of an introduction, six chapters, and a summary. Chapter 1 discusses the nature of good governance and its place in the theory of public management. This chapter is of introductory character and its purpose is to explain the concept of good governance and define its characteristics. The realization of this intention required embedding the concept of good governance in public management space located at the meeting point between the theory of organization and management and the theory of administration. The chapter contains considerations regarding: the genesis of public management, evolution and description of basic trends in public management, as well as the concept of good governance within public management system. From the perspective of achieving the goal of the work, it is crucial to define the concept of good governance. The method of analysis and criticism of literature, both scientific and the so-called 'grey literature', is limited to the studies of supranational and governmental institutions. This made it possible to clarify the concept of good governance by formulating own definition as well as adopting a set of principles of good governance (transparency, participation, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, cohesion), discussed in detail in the second chapter. The goal of the considerations in Chapter 2 is to define the scope of conceptual principles of good governance. Literature studies regarding defining the principles adopted in the first chapter, revealed a problem related to blurring and overlapping of the concepts referred to, as well as the lack of compatibility among researchers as to how to understand particular principles of good governance. This condition forced the necessity to formulate own proposals for the discussed work. The review and critical analysis of subject literature allowed to formulate the content of particular principles, and it was assumed and proved in course of the research that they had to be formulated collectively. The objective of Chapter 3 is to formulate a proposal for the measurement model for the adjustment of the management system of local administration to the concept of good governance. Three basic parts can be distinguished in the chapter. The first part describes the characteristics of local administration offices as a further research object, placing them in the system of local governments in Poland. The second part contains considerations on the management system: detailed proposals for understanding management systems, the understanding of the concept of the management system of local administration office, and the original synthesis of management system components based on selected organizational models. Chapter 4 contains a description of the applied research procedure. It describes, among others, the methods used to collect data and their statistical analysis. The calculations showing the reliability of the synthetic indices used are also presented. Chapters 5 and 6 define the results of empirical research. The fifth chapter presents the results of the first stage of empirical research relating to the assessment of the level of maturity of management systems of local government administration offices based on the principles of good governance. The sixth chapter presents the results of the proceedings of the second stage of empirical research conducted among the residents of communes. The strength of interdependence between the degree of adjustment of the management system to the principles of good governance and the perception of offices by the residents of communes was also determined. The proposal of the dependency model is also presented and the results of the path analysis are discussed. The most important conclusions from the presented research results concern the existence of a correlation between the degree of management systems maturity (in the context of good governance) and the level of satisfaction of residents with the operation of the offices and local authorities. This relation applies only to rural communes whose strongest connections occur between the offices' maturity dimensions related to accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency and the feeling of participation by the residents. The identification of the interdependence of the management system maturity and the assessment made by residents in rural communes are important as in such municipalities quite often (which is particularly accented by practitioners) the lack of advanced solutions in management systems is argued by the lack of validity due to the scale of action. Conducted research indicates that such views are incorrect, justifying the purpose of implementing system solutions based on the principles of good governance in small local government administration offices. In the case of large administrative units, the independent variable (i.e. population size), significantly affects the evaluation of the office and indirectly satisfaction. This results in a positive relationship between the maturity of the office and the assessment of residents, indicating the importance of the problem of citizen's distance to government in large units of local government administration. This leads to an indication of the relevance of the confounding variable, which is the number of inhabitants of the commune, strongly affecting both the level of maturity of local government administration offices, as well as the assessment of the offices' activities in the perspective of good governance and the residents' satisfaction with the administration. In the case of the relationship between the size of the municipality and the assessment of the local administration, it should be noted that the larger the municipality, the lower the assessment of effectiveness and efficiency and transparency, and as it has been shown, the evaluation of these aspects has the greatest impact on satisfaction. In this context, it should be noted that issues related to communication and citizens' activation are key aspects influencing residents' satisfaction. Their significance is particularly evident in the relationship between such variables as citizens interest in local administration activities and the assessment of the operation of both office and local authorities. These variables are positively correlated with each other, which allows to conclude that effective communication which increases the interest of residents in local matters may affect the satisfaction of residents with the actions of the authorities. This is particularly important in large municipalities where the independent variable, which is the number of residents, significantly reduces the sense of transparency and declarations of interest in local matters. The principle of transparency was most often indicated by the residents of communes as one of the most important in the practice of the functioning of local administration. The issue of effective communication is also related to the principle of accountability, which is important for two reasons. Firstly, in rural communes, where a positive correlation between the application of the principles of good governance in offices and the assessment made by residents was observed, the adjustment of offices in the accountability dimension had the greatest impact on the positive assessment made by the residents (in particular, this concerned the sense of participation). Secondly, its importance based on the premise of improving the activities related to accountability is the observed discrepancy in the significance of particular principles of good governance in the assessments of residents of municipalities and officials. While the residents often referred to the principle of accountability, in the opinion of officials the significance of this principle was limited, which leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to intensify the activities of local government in the area of better information about the self-government action results. The conducted research showed the legitimacy of the following principles of good governance in the practice of managing in local government administration offices. In addition, it identified the current status regarding the level of maturity of the management systems of local government administration offices. The work discusses the consequences of the implementation of good governance rules in self-government offices in the context of residents' satisfaction. The observation regarding the relationship between the number of inhabitants of the commune, the maturity of management systems based on the principles of good governance and the residents assessment of administration opens a scientific discussion on how communication improvement can increase the involvement of residents and their satisfaction in the context of situational factors, such as and the size and type of commune.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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