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2022 | z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges | 229--242
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Ghost Workers - the Essence and Importance for Creating Scientific Knowledge

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Purpose: The gig economy involves short-term employment of staff via online platforms to complete specific tasks. These workers are referred to as "giggers" or "ghost workers". While the publications to date focus on the specificity of work or the motivation of giggers, the issue of their importance in the context of creating scientific knowledge remains insufficiently recognized. More and more often it is postulated that the inclusion of various stakeholders in research becomes some obligation, which is part of the democratization of science, its openness and inclusiveness. The purpose of this article is to identify the importance of ghost workers in the creation of scientific knowledge. Design/methodology/approach: The publication is based on a systematic analysis of the literature on the subject published in the years 2006-2022. The following databases were used to collect the publications in question: Web of Science and Scopus. Findings: The results of the systematic literature review indicate that it is possible to include a gig worker at every stage of the research process: identifying the general study area, selecting topic and developing a focus, deciding the approach, formulating a plan, collecting information, analysing, and presenting of findings. Originality/value: The publication contributes to the development of research on the emerging issues of gig work in the context of creating scientific knowledge using crowdsourcing platforms.(original abstract)
  • Jagiellonian University in Kraków
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