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Objective: This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the connection between grit and its impact on female entrepreneurs.
Research Design & Methods: A qualitative research study was conducted among female entrepreneurs from different industries and life stages. The theoretical framework by Bandura of self-efficacy was used to guide and inform the study.
Findings: The key finding among all of the participants was the importance of grit, which according to them, made the ultimate difference in their success. Grit is an important construct that we should scrutinize, be- cause it was demonstrated to have profound effects on the respondents. The narrative surrounding female entrepreneurs is often presented in regards to the challenges they face. However, it is necessary to com- prehend the element regarding how women continue to be resilient in the face of adversity across every step of the entrepreneurial life-cycle from experiencing gender bias, juggling their personal lives, and pro- fessional responsibilities. There is evidence that proves the impact of grit on personal and professional en- deavors, most notably entrepreneurs.
Implications & Recommendations: Further research is recommended given the importance of the study and the impact female entrepreneurs have on the global economy.
Contribution & Value Added: This study aimed to further validate the importance of this research and analyze whether when you possess grit you are able to demonstrate passion and perseverance towards your long- term goals and follow through despite adversity and setbacks. Demonstration of a North American lens and the feedback from women from different industries and life stages positively demonstrated the impact that grit had on their entrepreneurial endeavors and entrepreneurial success. (original abstract)
Research Design & Methods: A qualitative research study was conducted among female entrepreneurs from different industries and life stages. The theoretical framework by Bandura of self-efficacy was used to guide and inform the study.
Findings: The key finding among all of the participants was the importance of grit, which according to them, made the ultimate difference in their success. Grit is an important construct that we should scrutinize, be- cause it was demonstrated to have profound effects on the respondents. The narrative surrounding female entrepreneurs is often presented in regards to the challenges they face. However, it is necessary to com- prehend the element regarding how women continue to be resilient in the face of adversity across every step of the entrepreneurial life-cycle from experiencing gender bias, juggling their personal lives, and pro- fessional responsibilities. There is evidence that proves the impact of grit on personal and professional en- deavors, most notably entrepreneurs.
Implications & Recommendations: Further research is recommended given the importance of the study and the impact female entrepreneurs have on the global economy.
Contribution & Value Added: This study aimed to further validate the importance of this research and analyze whether when you possess grit you are able to demonstrate passion and perseverance towards your long- term goals and follow through despite adversity and setbacks. Demonstration of a North American lens and the feedback from women from different industries and life stages positively demonstrated the impact that grit had on their entrepreneurial endeavors and entrepreneurial success. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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