z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and assess the occurrence of greenwashing from the perspective of the company' main external stakeholder, that is consumer. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a critical review of literature, research studies, secondary data and reports. Findings: The discussion carried out in this article showed that consumer pressure is one of the main reasons why organizations apply both real and apparent (greenwashing practices) actions that serve to protect the natural environment. Greenwashing practices used by companies for whom consumers are the main recipients are not to their benefit in the long run (which some of the consumers do not realise). As consumers' ecological knowledge and awareness improve, we may hope that greenwashing practices will become scarcer. This trend may benefit from placing a greater emphasis (for example coming from the legislator) on the processes of sustainable production and consumption. Research limitations/implications: This paper includes a discussion based on a critical analysis of relevant literature and existing secondary data, which is its limitation. Due to the significance and validity of the subject matter discussed in the article, it seems important to take another step, that is a discussion on the impact of sustainable consumption on the development of greenwashing practices. Practical implications: The study identifies how important it is to be able to recognize greenwashing. It is because greenwashing is detrimental not only to consumers, but also to honest companies that treat the issues of environmental protection and sustainable development seriously. Social implications: The argumentation presented in the article points to the dangerous phenomenon of greenwashing. It is alarming because it gives the consumer an "ecological" product, a sense of satisfaction and involvement in environmental protection, whereas the use of greenwashing practices (e.g. overrating, false information) reinforces the social sense of mistrust and ignorance towards products and companies that take real environmental efforts. It is suggested that awareness-raising measures (e.g. campaigns) be undertaken so that consumers are more conscious of greenwashing practices and the resulting negative consequences. Originality/value: Showing the role of the consumer as an external shareholder from the point of view of an initiator and recipient of pro-ecological actions taken up by organizations (unfortunately also greenwashing practices), directed at creating environmentally-friendly (pro-ecological) products.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Szczecin
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