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2020 | nr 304 | 310
Tytuł artykułu

Interwencje antystresowe w organizacji : modele, zarządzanie, efektywność

Warianty tytułu
Work-related stress interventions in an organization. Models. Management. Efficiency
Języki publikacji
This book discusses the nature of work-related stress interventions chiefly from the viewpoint of management sciences, but also from the perspective of psychology, economics, and health sciences. The main focus is placed on providing cost- and resource-effective methods for the management of work-related stress interventions in organizations. The first part of the publication presents the notions of general stress and work-related stress in the context of both classical and modern approaches for the determination of stress sources in organizations. Consequences of stress are also discussed, with the emphasis on the economic effects of stress - or costs - borne by individuals, organizations, and the society. Methods for dealing with stress on an individual level are presented, together with an overview of instruments useful for diagnosing work-related stress in organizations. The book also presents an evaluation of the available findings related to studies of work-related stress conducted by EU Member States, along with an assessment of modern legislative recommendations for employers issued by the European Commission and national administration bodies with the aim of reducing work- -related stress. The next section of the book is devoted to the detailed examination of the available stress intervention methods, and to the definition of their placement within the broader framework of human resource management activities. Levels of qualifications and entitlements of persons responsible for the implementation of work-related stress interventions in organizations are also discussed. The last section of the theoretical segment of the publication presents models for the management of work-related stress interventions, along with an overview of the available approaches and methods for the evaluation of their effectiveness (degree, to which the intended objective has been met) and efficiency (ratio of the cost of the intervention to a relevant measure of its effect). The empirical part of the book consists of three separate research endeavours. The first part of research provides a review of the degree and the quality of work- -related stress interventions in Polish organizations. Findings collected from a sample of more than 400 organizations suggest that only ca. 30% of organizations in Poland (mostly large enterprises) have some experience with effective management of stress interventions, mostly in the form of multimodal interventions. At the same time, the organizations were not too keen on examining such intervention programs in terms of their effectiveness or efficiency. The second phase of research was devoted to the evaluation of the degree and the effects of work-related stress. Based on responses from a base of 1500 persons employed in the mining industry, it may be concluded that the majority of employees report their work-related stress to be at moderate to low levels. At the same time, as suggested by the evaluations of their reported well-being against the common symptoms of stress, more than 70% of the respondents displayed some form of health indications suggestive of chronic stress (such as sleep disorders, mood changes, prolonged discomfort etc.). The results from this part of research seem to confirm the essence and the demand for the effective implementations of anti-stress interventions, as exemplified by a case study of such implementations in a large organization. The case study, described in detail in the last section of the book, serves to verify this author's model of stress interventions management presented in the earlier sections. One of the most important rationales behind this publication was to commit to disproval of a common myth which holds that stress is an inestimable phenomenon and that effective reduction of stress (while important for individuals) is of no practical significance for the economy, organizations, and the society as such. This publication is addressed to managers, psychologists and HR business partners willing to explore and successfully implement the ideas of employee well- -being. The book can also be useful to experts in economic sciences as a fundament for practical evaluation and estimation of costs and benefits offered by human capital investments in organizations. Lastly, the publication may serve as a broad compendium of knowledge and empirical findings on the subject for any fellow scientist and researcher interested in interdisciplinary aspects of the studied area.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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