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Modern Monetary Theory and its applicability to the realities of Poland
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The main goal of the monograph is a critical analysis of Modern Monetary Theory conducted from the perspective of its applicability to the realities of Poland, that is a small economy forming a part of an economical union. The detailed goals of chapters are: an analysis of the genesis of this theory, an attempt to place it in the system of economic schools and trends (chapter 1), an analysis of the functioning of monetary policy (chapter 2) and fiscal policy (chapter 3) in Poland from the point of view of MMT, a verification of the possibility of implementing a job guarantee programme in Poland (chapter 4) and an analysis of the internal consistency of the theory (chapter 5). An additional goal is to explain to the Polish reader what MMT really is, since most of the criticism so far results from insufficient knowledge of this theory. This in turn is an effect of a small number of publications which present its meaning and assumptions in a comprehensive manner. As shown in the first chapter, the assumption of the Modern Monetary Theory that a country that issues its own currency is not affected by debt in the same manner as households, since it cannot go bankrupt is not controversial among economists. There is, however, no consensus concerning the impact of issuing of currency on inflation. The advocates of endogenous money creation, including the representatives of MMT think that the creation of money by the central bank does not lead to the increased inflation, whereas the advocates of the theory of loanable funds are of a contrary opinion. Undoubtedly an explanation of the part played by exchange rate, in particular in small open economies is a weakness of the Modern Monetary Theory. Assuming G.F. Knapp's theory that institutional fiat money is the main form of money hinders an understanding of the existence of international money hierarchy, with US dollar at the top. This means that although currency reserves in Poland significantly exceed the foreign currencies debt of the National Treasury and although Poland has a surplus of export over import, MMT does not explain the extent of space for expansive budget policy. A significant influx of euros from the European budget is also a specific characteristic of our country in these conditions. Nevertheless, MMT indicates that the true limitation on the level of public expenditure are real factors in the form of available work force and access to resources, and not financial factors such as the amount of debt. This means that the limits on debt and public deficit established in the constitutions and in EU treaties unnecessarily restrict the effectiveness of fiscal policy. This can be confirmed by effects of state intervention related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The representatives of Modern Monetary Theory are aware of the risks related with implementing a discretionary budget policy, such as e.g., procyclicality related to the delays of political reaction to economic situation or caused by an election cycle. That is why they assign a very important role to automatic stabilisers, such as an appropriate fiscal structure or a job guarantee programme. Additionally, they suggest a change to the legislative process that integrates the assessment of the risk of inflation in it. Despite the very important role played by taxes in Modern Monetary Theory the low number of works on the optimum tax structure is somewhat surprising. Thus, taking into account Polish and European institutional and legal conditions one should speak not about the elimination of such taxes as PIT, CIT or VAX, but to reduce their role in favour of a real estate tax, capital gains tax and excise tax. Since this theory establishes that taxes are not directly related to public expenditure, they may be lowered compared to the current level. The job guarantee scheme - an automatic stabiliser, very important in MMT - is a simple consequence of the assumption, which started with J. M. Keynes and M. Kalecki that the goal of state's activities is to achieve a condition of full employment. This is because only the state is capable of such an achievement. According to the advocates of Modern Monetary Theory, this scheme acts as a very important automatic "inflation anchor", the same as it is currently provided by the pool of the unemployed. When analysing a job guarantee scheme in the context of Polish institutional conditions some risks arise. It is not known whether current public job agencies would be organisationally capable of managing the scheme at the local level. However, a more important risk is one of the scheme turning into its opposite, were it to provide a pretext to lower the wages in the public sector. Its supremacy over the current model of forced unemployment is however so significant that an implementation of a pilot programme is certainly advisable. The conducted simulations indicate that the implementation of the scheme, due to the full utilization of factors of production, would result in additional economic growth while simultaneously keeping the inflation on a low level. Compared to the traditional, Keynesian stimulation of demand it turned out to be more effective in reducing poverty and income inequalities and it was also less inflationary. The Modern Monetary Theory is not a general theory. It does not describe economic situation in all countries and at all times. This is why this work supplements the literature on MMT which is devoted to the analysis of economies of individual countries and the limits of its application.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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