z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: Analyzing current trends in corporate management, one can see the dominance of corporate social responsibility activities. This is probably due to the major changes taking place in the surrounding reality. However, in the face of territorial expansion in Ukraine, the slogans preached by socially responsible companies have begun to undergo a thorough revision. Therefore, it seems important to analyze the decisions that companies respecting the CSR strategy have made in their relations with Russia. Design/methodology/approach: The purpose of this analysis is to verify the assumption that companies presenting themselves in the business market as socially responsible, respecting the idea of CSR in the face of the crisis in Ukraine, will withdraw from cooperation with Russia. Verification of the assumption will be made on the basis of a review and analysis of available press sources and information provided by companies. The conclusions obtained in this study provide important insights for companies implementing a corporate social responsibility strategy in the face of sudden difficulties they may face. Findings: A review of the topic showed that many companies, despite their socially responsible objectives, have not backed down from cooperating with Russia. Therefore, it is important to analyze companies in terms of the CSR slogans they proclaim. The environment, both external and internal to the company, is becoming increasingly discerning about the socially responsible actions taken by companies. It therefore seems important to report CSR activities reliably and to manage the company ethically and in accordance with stakeholder expectations. Otherwise, companies risk losing prestige and dominance in the market. Corporate social responsibility is, after all, responsibility for the content that is proclaimed and the decisions and behaviors that correspond to it. Research limitations/implications: When reviewing and analyzing press sources of companies, information contained on their websites, and examining non-financial reports of these companies, one should be wary of the emotionality of the message contained in these sources and the persuasion that comes from them. Practical implications: The analysis of the companies carried out proved the tenuous link, in some cases of the companies, between the proclaimed socially responsible actions and the decisions of the companies in the business market. Inconsistency between assumptions and actions affects a company's reputation. Difficult situations are a test for the credibility of a company's assumptions, so it is important that the actions described in non-financial reports are backed by provisions. Social implications: The conclusions obtained will make those interested in the topic of CSR aware of how the theory of socially responsible business preached by companies translates into business decisions taken by companies. Originality/value: The essence of the article is to look at the socially responsible actions taken by companies in the face of the crisis in which they find themselves, and to try to answer how companies should act in crisis situations. This information is important for anyone interested in CSR issues.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Warsaw
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