z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: This article will aim to show to what degree the representatives of the examined generations BB, X, Y and Z identify with their generation's stereotypical characteristics and indicate the fundamental differences concerning the values they prefer in the workplace. Design/methodology/approach: The applied research method was a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire survey conducted employing the CAWI technique. The study was conducted between 25 October and 07 November 2020, on a sample of 1009 respondents from 4 generation groups (Baby Boomers, Z, Y and Z). The spatial scope of the research covered the entire territory of Poland, and the samples were selected according to population size. Findings: Significant differences can be observed between the representatives of the surveyed generations regarding their subjective assessment of belonging to a given generation. Studied generations vary regarding preferred work values. Practical implications: Identification and analysis of the fundamental values esteemed at the workplace by representatives of particular generations operating in the labor market, along with a subjective assessment of their belonging to a given generation, can significantly increase the employer's understanding of the needs, expectations, and motivations their employees. Originality/value: The authors concluded that further research on age diversity in teams and organizations is still very much needed. First of all, the right approach to generational diversity can have a significant impact on organizational performance and employee engagement levels, and second of all, available research results in the literature are inconclusive.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
- Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
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