z. 164 Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi: perspektywy, wdrażanie i wyzwania = Human Resource Management : Perspectives, Implementation and Challenges
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Purpose: The objective of the article is to discuss the results of the study concerning the set of characteristics of the individual that are considered important in personal brand building, and which can be seen as a personal capital that can be brought to an organizational culture. Design/methodology/approach: The review of literature was conducted in order to identify the set of characteristics of the individual who takes action in the personal brand building and to establish the relationship between the personal brand building process and the organizational culture. The empirical study employed the survey method with the use of a questionnaire. The study examined a representative sample of a thousand Polish Internet users in May 2021. Findings: Taking action in the personal brand building can be viewed as a diagnostic tool when attracting employees, managing human capital and shaping the organizational culture. The results of the study suggest that there is a set of characteristics of the individual, attitudes and values that are considered important in building a personal brand, and people bring this personal capital to the organization along with their personal brands. Research limitations/implications: Further research is needed to take into account the impact of the selected individual characteristics on shaping an entrepreneurial organization and its organizational culture, as well as the methods and possible scope of shaping these elements. Originality/value: The results of the analysis and theoretical considerations discussed in this article complement existing research concerning the use of personal brand concept in shaping organizational culture.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Lublin University of Technology
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