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2023 | z. 1 (67) | 27--36
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Shaping Intention to Pay Attention to Health Claims

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Health claims increase consumer awareness, knowl- edge, and health consciousness. However, front and back labels, which are widely used for marketing purposes, raise doubts about consumer tendencies towards paying attention to health claims and reasons for their placement. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate, using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the extent to which intention to pay attention to health claims is determined by its predictors. An extended model based on the theory was used to identify factors that shape attitudes towards health claims and the intention to pay attention to them. In order to achieve this, we conducted a study on 552 people, and the data allowed us to verify the statistically proposed theoretical model. The study revealed that while trust is the main factor determining attitude towards health claims, the impact of subjective knowledge is negative. Research is important from the perspective of the theoretical understanding of consumer attitudes but can also be practically used to properly influence consumers in terms of consumption of healthy products.(original abstract)
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  • Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
  • Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
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