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2023 | 11 | nr 2 | 16--28
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Ecosystem services, vulnerability and threat levels of Ramsar wetlands in the complex of Aurès Sbkhates, North-Eastern Algeria

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A socio-economic study were carried out in the wetlands complex of Aurès Sebkhates, in North Eastern Algeria. This study aimedto identify the ecosystem services obtained by local stakeholders, describe the anthropogenic impacts and evaluate thevulnerability and threat levels of three Ramsar wetlands: Garaet Timerganine (freshwater), Garaet Annk Djemel & El Merhsel(brackish water) and Sebkhet Ezzmoul (salt water). A socio-economic survey was conducted of 70 randomly selectedhouseholds (social group) and 24 people belonging to the local administration (focus group). Vulnerability and threat levelswere analyzed. Provisioning and monetary value are the most relevant ecosystem services (water pumping, grazing, agriculture,area for recreation, plant and egg collection, salt mining). Indirect ecosystem services rendered by the studied wetlands (watertreatment/flood control) are only known by the focus group. 95% of the surveyed locals believed that the studied wetlands haveexperienced significant degradation in recent years mainly by human activity. Our results revealed significant threats due to saltmining and the excessive water pumping practiced within the three sites. Natural stressors such as drying out, erosion andsiltation also contribute to the disturbance of these wetlands. Analysis of vulnerability (Vt) and threat (T) indices revealed thatGaraet Timerganine is highly vulnerable (Vt= 1.48; T = 17.16), Ezzmoul is moderately vulnerable (Vt = 0.23; T = 2.3) and AnnkDjemel & El Merhsel are weakly vulnerable (Vt = 0.04; T = 0.28). This study highlighted the most vulnerable wetlands in order toprioritize them and to build a strategy for conservation and their wise use(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University Chadli Bendjedid, Algeria
  • University Batna 2, Algeria
  • University Chadli Bendjedid, Algeria
  • University Batna 2, Algeria
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