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2023 | 30 | nr 3 | 89--102
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The Organisational Status of Special Forces in the Armed Forces of NATO States

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The process of separation of special forces (military special operations units) in the structure of the armed forces of NATO countries began in the 1980s. By the end of the Cold War, two states had done this: the United States and the United Kingdom (1987). By the end of the 20th century, they had been followed by France (1992) and Turkey (1994). This article describes the chronology of changes in this area up to January 2020, by which time 18 out of 29 NATO states had upgraded their special forces to the status of separate branches of their armed forces or troops. Two models of management had been adopted within the framework of the autonomization of the said units, which at the beginning of the 2020s comprised up to 5% of all armed forces. (original abstract)
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