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2023 | 16 | nr 3 | 198--226
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The Role of Information in Shaping Sustainable Human Behaviour

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Języki publikacji
Encouraging environmentally friendly behaviour in population is one of today's greatest sustainability challenges. Over the last decades, many scientists of environmental psychology, social psychology and behavioural economics studied the dependence of an individual's sustainable behaviour on stratification and various direct and/or indirect factors. External and internal factors determining the individual's behaviour are based on information sources and how, in what way, and at what level the initial data is perceived, as well as how the individual uses such sources. This article conducted in Lithuania aims to find out which information sources an individual is most likely to reach, and what factors would encourage the integration of sustainable natural resource-saving solutions into everyday life. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Vilnius University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Vilnius University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Vilnius University, Lithuania
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