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2023 | z. 169 | 637--654
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Current Concerns in Digital Economy Era. Lessons Learnt Form Polish Advanced Internet Users

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Purpose: Digital Economy development is influenced by many factors, including the users' acceptance of the technology. The interesting group of users are technologically advanced and may shape the technology's use and enhance its development. The purpose of the study is to explore the way customers are present on the Internet, and their attitudes to ethics and responsibility in the virtual environment. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted on a representative group of 1002 adult Internet users from Poland. The CAVI method on the research consumer panel was used. The authors empirically examine the developed research hypotheses using statistical tests. Findings: The study results show that advanced technology users have a more conscious approach to their presence on the Internet. Technology advanced users are familiarised with the tools and applications that may supper them with everyday activities and ease their professional duties. They are also more concerned about ethical and safety issues. At the same time, as consumers of technology, they are ready to disclose personal data if some benefits are seen. Originality/value: Research results support the development of understanding online activities of Internet users. They indicate some crucial points for a technology provider in designing and improving new tools and applications. Technology advanced users as testers can spread the technology appliances and support their acceptance if they find them ethical and safe. It leads to the development of the digital economy and benefits the whole society. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Lodz
  • University of Lodz
  • University of Lodz
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