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2023 | z. 177 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 515--528
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Heterogenic Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Work and Professional Stability

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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of new technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human-work system functioning in the context of quantitative changes (mainly the reduction of the employment level) as well as the qualitative ones (work stability, remuneration changes, change of competence profile. Design/methodology/approach: It is an opinion-forming paper. It is an attempt to interpret the dependencies between the level of AI adoption by contemporary organisations and changes occurring in the conditions of highly-digitalised working environment. The research problem analysed in this paper regards the impact of AI technology on work process changing the conditions of working environment in the aspect of mental and social dangers. The paper presents the literature overview in this scope with the use of the results of secondary empirical research describing the analysed issue. Findings: The considerations presented in the article show that the picture of advantages and disadvantages connected with the greater and greater use of AI in the workplace and its impact of the conditions of working environment is complex and varied. The implementation of modern technologies such as AI in current organisations creates more productive workplaces. However, from the employee point of view, it may be a reason for serious worries referring to the adaptation processes to the new conditions of working environment. Thus, the key issue comprises the elimination or minimising the disturbances in employment and problems accompanying them and mental and social threats (changes in the load of work process, technostress, workers' anxiety and fears, changes in remuneration and work time) which may contribute to the worsening of health condition and ability to work. Originality/value: The paper is a theoretical contribution to the issues of the impact of AI technology on work process. It was shown that the use of AI is not only optional any more, it is an indispensable ingredient of creating the competitive position of an organisation. The employees will not avoid the necessity to adapt to the changing composition of tasks, to new conditions of technologized working environment, to the mobility between positions at the labour market and to the effective use of AI. The actions of entrepreneurs, decision-makers, engineers and scientists should be applied to help the employees in these processes in order to redesign the tasks, positions and conditions of working environment properly. The work is original due to the multi-aspect approach to the scientific issues and the obtained results may be useful both for the management practitioners and be the inspiration for further research. (original abstract)
  • Czestochowa University of Technology
  • Czestochowa University of Technology
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