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Liczba wyników
2023 | vol. 31, iss. 4 | 45--56
Tytuł artykułu

Apartment Rental Market in Rzeszow nad Lublin at the Turn of 2021-2022

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The paper presents the impact of market characteristics on the rental rate of apartments and compares the levels of the offered rental rate in two selected cities: Rzeszów and Lublin. The analyses were conducted before and during Russia's aggression against Ukraine, based on residential rental offers. Data on the offer of residential premises for rent, posted on online portals in the period from November 2021, to April 2022, was used. The analyses showed an increase in rental prices in March 2022, mainly in Rzeszów, and similar correlations of the impact of characteristics on the market rental rate in both cities in relation to the area of the unit, the number of rooms, the location on the floor, the condition of the flat and the age of the building.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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