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2023 | z. 177 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 109--128
Tytuł artykułu

Human Factors in Simulation Modelling of Evacuation During Mass Events

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Purpose: The goal of this research work is to present the possibility of applying the simulation modelling of evacuation conditions software in the preparation of a mass event management plan. These software allow the introduction of dimensional characteristics of agents, but their consideration is most often implemented in a simplified manner or ignored. Using a selected example, the methods of including the dimensional characteristics of persons during analyses are presented.

Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents the preparation stages of the simulation modelling process of crowd flows using the example of an open air event. The paper is preceded by a review of research into the determinants of crowd flows and good practices and guidelines for organising and managing mass events. The result of the research is a presentation of the application possibilities of simulation modelling taking into account human dimensional characteristics in decision support during the planning of mass event organisation.

Findings: The results of the study provide a demonstration of how to integrate the simulation modelling involving anthropometric criteria into the management process of mass events. Research limitations/implications: The results of the research are presented using a selected example. By increasing the number of variants of event scenarios, it will be possible to identify detailed relationships between the modelled parameters and develop guidelines for managers of mass events.

Practical implications: The application of simulation modelling to the analysis of crowd movement during the organisation of mass events, makes it possible to predict the threats that may occur in emergency situations. The results of the research will expand the catalogue of criteria considered during evacuation modelling to include anthropometric data. Social implications: Based on the analysis of the literature, there are shortcomings in the research basis of the guidelines considered during the planning of mass events. They are based in many aspects on experience and require a structured methodical and analytical approach during planning.

Originality/value: Research work on evacuation modelling has so far not emphasised the importance of the impact of changes in dimensional characteristics on simulation results. This paper presents a method of considering anthropometric data during simulation modelling.(original abstract)
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