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2023 | No. 62 | 59--69
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Double Qualifi Cations, Earnings and Gender in Germany

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Aft er obtaining the German upper secondary school-leaving certifi cate (Abitur), school-leavers are free in their choice of career path. Obtaining a double qualifi cation by fi rst completing an apprenticeship and then graduate from university is thereby popular. Using the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey of the Working Population on Qualifi cation and Working Conditions 2018, this paper analyses the individual eff ects of these double qualifi cations by exploiting the rich information on education in the data. In relation to earlier studies, we fi nd that the proportion of men gaining a double qualifi cation decreased by 8 percentage points but is almost constant for women. Furthermore, we detect a signifi cantly negative eff ect of double qualifi cation on wages for women, but no signifi cant eff ect on wages for men. We presume that these changes may be related to the rising inequality due to the rising number of academics and the increase of earnings inequality(original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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