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2023 | z. 177 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 237--268
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Shaping Organizational Identity in the Light of Legitimacy Challenges - Conceptual Framework

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Purpose: The paper aims at building the analytical framework which is to enable researchers to combine the notions stemming from both the stream of the literature focused on organizational identity and the stream of the literature focused on legitimacy management when considering the phenomenon of deinstitutionalization. The context proposed for the analysis is the declining industrial sector in case of which chances of organizations operating in this sector for the maintenance of legitimacy and the continuation of their operations are analyzed in the light of different concepts of organizational boundaries with special attention paid to organizational identity and its postulated elasticity.

Design/methodology/approach: Theoretical analysis is conducted in order to build the framework and propose some possible avenues for future research. The papers selected for the analysis are related to three main fields of research, these are organizational identity, legitimacy, and organizational boundaries.

Findings: Three cases are finally discussed when taking into account the time dimension as well. It appears reasonable to argue that in order to understand tensions that are generated when pressures from external evaluators meet with how people working for organizations attempt to maintain the legitimacy of their organizations, the original concept of organizational identity based on features of centrality, endurance, and distinctiveness can be revised. This would enable researchers to stay focused on these processes that cause managers to reshape the identities of their organizations.

Research limitations/implications: Limitations of this paper are related to the range of assumptions that are adopted in order to conduct the analysis. Implications are mainly related to that by showing some details of complex relationships between two main constructs discussed (these are organizational identity and legitimacy) the paper may lead to the increase in stakeholders' awareness as to what are the sources of problems and the paths to overcome them when facing the threat of losing legitimacy in the declining industrial sector.

Originality/value: The main contribution to the debate on how organizations can maintain their legitimacy lies in the fact that the construct of organizational identity elasticity is applied and its importance from the point of view of enriching the discussion on changes in organizational boundaries is proved.(original abstract)
  • University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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