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2023 | z. 177 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 391--403
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Strengthening the Social Capital of Enterprises in the Light of Demographic Crisis

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Purpose: The paper aims to research if and to which extent small enterprises from the region of Czestochowa introduce practices that can be described as employer branding in their performance.

Design/methodology/approach: The research for the study was conducted based on critical analyses of the secondary sources of information (research results, reports on employer branding, scientific papers), as well as on the primary data - quantitative (online survey and interviews) and qualitative research (in-depth interviews) conducted among owners of SMEs from the Czestochowa region.

Findings: Most of the owners of SMEs from the region of Czestochowa introduce employer branding practices intuitively. The scale of their business determines the way they integrate their work teams and the ways they seek potential employees. Their main concerns are related to increasing costs of the workforce and maintaining qualified staff. Most of their efforts are intuitive and not the full potential of EB tools is used, in the employee advocacy area for example.

Research limitations/implications: The limitations can be identified in the number of research businesses and the sampling method. Due to the lack of statistical data regarding the exact number of SMEs in the region, including the number of self-employed, it is difficult to calculate the sample size. The random sampling method could not be used because of the lack of the sampling frame - available lists do not include all the businesses and do not divide them depending on their legal status.

Practical implications: The diagnosis conducted in the paper may be used for further research in employer branding in groups of small enterprises. It can also help different types of organizations providing training for SMEs or consultancies to identify areas that need support.

Originality/value: The research on employer branding is mainly conducted among the largest employees. SMEs are not usually researched, especially regionally.(original abstract)
  • Politechnika Częstochowska
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