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2023 | z. 177 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 447--463
Tytuł artykułu

From Networks to Action Nets: Knowledge Management in Networks and Clusters in Creative Industries in Poland

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Purpose: The paper presents and practically verifies the concept of Action Nets Creating Emotional Values (ANCEV) which is embedded in network approach in management. The concepts is empirically verified in three cluster organizations operating in Poland.

Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted with the use of case studies analysis where traditional networks are identified. In the network a nodes represents actors - cluster members while edges represent existing relationships between actors. Then the action net of the cluster is visualized through the Event Process Chain (EPC) diagram. The diagrams in particular presented actions (processes, activities, realized tasks) and states (effects, resources, values) and the relationships between these elements.

Findings: Action nets networks and clusters in creative industries could be represented in the form of Action Nets Creating Emotional Values (ANCEV).

Research limitations/implications: The action nets represents relatively temporarily state of affairs, not formally structured. This is the main limitation of action nets identification. With this kind of research the key actions can be identified and also relationships between actions can be defined.

Practical implications: Action nets and particularly ANCEV can be implemented in unformal networks of cooperation in creative industries.

Social implications: An increasing role of creative industries and their impact on society implies the importance of research on knowledge management in creative industries. The approach presented in the paper can be useful for every kind of interpersonal and interorganizational networks.

Originality/value: The concept of ANCEV prepared by the author is new in the paper. The concept and research approach is addressed to researcher and practitioners dealing with cooperation in creative industries and the problem of knowledge management in interpersonal and interorganizational networks.(original abstract)
  • Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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