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2023 | 16 | nr 4 | 73--109
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Discovering the Determinants of House Prices Dynamics in Poland Using Bayesian Model Averaging

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We examine the price drivers in 18 capital housing markets in Poland from 2004 to 2021. Using the Bayesian Model Averaging method, we discovered that some financial elements explain house price changes more consistently than conventional economic and demographic variables. The dynamics of house prices in most cities were defined explicitly by financial factors - mortgage market activity, mortgage interest rate, and terms and conditions of granting mortgages. Additionally, the stock market played a vital role in house price movement in selected cities. Economic (regional GDP, salaries, unemployment) and demographic (migration) factors were significant predictors of housing price dynamics only for particular cities. Our study closes the knowledge gap on factors influencing home price dynamics in Poland and other developing nations that have gone through systemic change. In the case of Eastern European countries, we have limited knowledge of those linkages. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland
  • Krakow University of Economics, Poland
  • WSB Merito University in Toruń, Poland
  • Calisia University - Kalisz, Poland
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