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2023 | z. 178 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary Management | 431--447
Tytuł artykułu

Resilient Chains and Chain Shortening - Trade Exchange Perspective

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Purpose: One of the fundamental ways to strengthen supply chains is by shortening them. This can be reflected in the degree of utilization of chains for exports and imports. This is crucial for efficient supply chain management as it enables simpler and faster logistics operations. However, on the other hand, comparative advantages, resource localization, and cost considerations may lead management decisions to refrain from significant supply chain shortening on a larger scale. Additionally, the increasing level of digitalization in the logistics industry, which supports supply chains, also contributes to this perspective. The purpose of this study is, therefore to examine the extent to which recent crisis situations have influenced the exchange of exports and imports, categorized by short, medium, and long supply chains. The Polish economy has been chosen as a reference for this analysis. Design/methodology/approach: Statistical methods based on time-series analysis were employed in this research. Findings: Despite the crises, supply chains have not been shortened. It can be observed that in the long term, as well as in the post-pandemic period, there has been a shift in the structure of supply chains towards longer chains, particularly noticeable in import dynamics. The reason why supply chain shortening for the purpose of enhancing resilience is not evident in the data, despite many declarative statements about this approach in empirical research, has been indicated. Research limitations/implications: The formulated arguments in favor of supply chain lengthening should be confirmed through research in various economies. Practical implications: The importance of this article lies in providing management decision-making suggestions, particularly regarding supply sources. Social implications: The establishment of shorter supply chains is crucial for environmental sustainability and meeting customer needs. Originality/value: Research in this field is often conducted in an aggregated form, without differentiating between various supply chain lengths. In this article, we have taken these factors into account. (original abstract)
  • Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Poznań University of Economics and Business
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