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2023 | z. 188 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary management | 33--44
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Dynamic Capabilities in a High-Velocity Environment: the Emergence as a Reaction to Threats

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Purpose: The study aims to investigate the emergence of dynamic capabilities (DCs) of enterprises that have appeared as a result of threats caused by high-velocity environments.

Design/methodology/approach: In the qualitative research, DCs of Polish companies were examined, to answer the question of how companies responded to turbulence in the business environment caused by the pandemic crisis. In-depth interviews with managers of 20 outstanding companies were conducted to explore the specific processes and activities, companies undertook to survive the crisis.

Findings: The emergence of dynamic capabilities for distressed enterprises in a high-velocity environment referred to both lower- and higher-order DCs, companies from various industries, also small and medium-sized enterprises. Radically innovative actions by companies during the crisis were aimed mainly at survival, but also at protecting employees, customers, and society.

Research limitations/implications: The study has some limitations. Firstly, only Polish enterprises were studied, and therefore the results cannot be directly applied to other countries. Second, this is an exploratory study that requires follow-up to deepen the topic to enable future quantitative research.

Practical implications: Companies may use the results of this project as an incentive for developing their DCs. They can also use the examples discussed as guidance for future actions, especially in a turbulent business environment.

Originality/value: The paper notes the importance of a non-routine approach to dynamic capabilities. This is important for management as a scientific discipline, but also for managers, as indicates various possible paths for DCs' development.(original abstract)
  • University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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