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2023 | z. 188 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary management | 87--107
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The Influence of E-Leadership on Products and Services Quality and Organizational Performance During Black Swan Event

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Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed global organizational operations, necessitating a reevaluation of leadership paradigms due to the challenges to business continuity posed by this Black Swan event. With the shift to remote work, the focus on e-leadership has become crucial. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of e-leadership on organizational performance, specifically through product and service quality, and to explore how the severity of such crises might affect this relationship.

Design/methodology/approach: During the active phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Q1 2021, a survey encompassed 1160 organizations across Poland, Italy, and the USA. Higher- level managers from each organization provided responses using the CAWI method. Variables explored included e-leadership, product and service quality (PSQ), organizational performance, and COVID-19 crisis severity. The moderated mediation model was constructed using the Macro Process for IBM SPSS. The study deployed r-Pearson correlation analysis, mediation, and moderation analyses, contextualized by COVID-19 severity.

Findings: The study revealed a statistically significant correlation among e-leadership, product and service quality and organizational performance. Specifically, a robust link was identified between PSQ and organizational performance. Mediation analysis confirmed that PSQ serves as a significant mediator in the relationship between e-leadership and organizational performance. Furthermore, COVID-19 crisis severity emerged as a significant moderator, intensifying the positive impact of e-leadership on organizational performance via PSQ. Research limitations/implications: While the study's focus on COVID-19 presents certain limitations, it sets the stage for future research, urging exploration of e-leadership's significance across varied crisis scenarios to determine its consistent relevance in modern organizational frameworks.

Originality/value: This study underlines e-leadership's crucial role in navigating organizational challenges during Black Swan events, with a spotlight on the COVID-19 pandemic. Contributing uniquely to crisis management literature, it emphasizes the increasing importance of e-leadership in the era of digital transformation.(original abstract)
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
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