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2023 | z. 188 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary management | 501--514
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The Need and Process Of Generating Innovations by Corporate Museums - Cultural Exhibition Units of Organizations

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Purpose: Corporate museums are something more than traditional ones. As unusual means of promotion, apart from disseminating the values of history and culture, they become their foundators' brand and prestige manifestation. The aim of the article is to emphasize that in order to fulfill this task effectively, corporate museums must be innovative. On an empirical level, the aim is to evaluate a set of guidelines which implementation can help corporate museums meet the goals for which they have been established.

Design/methodology/approach: Theoretical part of the article has been prepared based on desk research analysis of available source data. In the preparation of the empirical part of the work (evaluation of the model for creating innovations in corporate museums), the results of the review of social profiles and websites of corporate museums were taken into account. The results of a personal (unformalized) interview with employees of corporate museums were also helpful, primarily of the Mladá Boleslav automotive museum and Wacław Sakwa Foundry Art Gallery - an exhibition unit operating at the author's workplace.

Findings: In modern, complex conditions of turbulent environment it is impossible to imagine fuctioning of corporate museums without undertaking by them continuous creative changes. However, the mere awareness that innovations constitute an impetus for the success is insufficient from the point of view of corporate museums considering the possibility of introducing new solutions. Therefore, they have to consider particular suggestions on the practice of generating innovations which should be followed in order to improve the process of creating new solutions.

Research limitations/implications: This study focused on analyzing literature data and checking the perspective of employees of sample facilities, which may narrowed the perception of innovation in corporate museums phenomenon. A way to verify and deepen the received conclusions may be further examination from the perspective of a larger number of employees as well as to compare the obtained results with museums located in distant countries. Recommended direction for further research would be broadening perspective and conclusions.

Originality/value: The topic of corporate museums is not widely considered in the literature and this thesis offers a systematic attempt to apply general innovation theory in a exhibition unit context in order to advance knowledge on innovation in corporate museums, conceptually and empirically.(original abstract)
  • Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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