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2023 | 11 | nr 4 | 205--225
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Brand Authenticity as the Basis for Creating Perceived Value in the Management of the Most Valuable Polish Brands

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Recently, there has been increasing interest in brand authenticity and brand value in management theory and practice. However, there are few empirical research papers examining the relationship between brand authenticity and brand value. There are no such studies for the most valuable brands; therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between authenticity and perceived value for such brands. The influence of selected determinants (brand consistency, continuity, individuality, and credibility) on the authenticity of the most valuable Polish brands was also analysed. The quantitative survey was conducted in the first quarter of 2023 on a sample of 495 respondents. Structural equation modelling using partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was applied to support the conceptual framework and proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that the authenticity of the most valuable Polish brands positively influences their perceived value. In addition, the consistency, continuity, individuality, and credibility of these brands positively influence their perceived value. The results of this study indicate the importance of the authenticity of the most valuable Polish brands in shaping their perceived value. Brand marketers should make consistent efforts to enhance the authenticity of brands by increasing their credibility, consistency, continuity, and individuality. This is necessary to continuously monitor brand perceptions in terms of fulfilling promises, consistency of actions taken and being trustworthy. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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