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2023 | z. 181 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 341--356
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Uncertainties and Challenges in Human Resource Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

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Purpose: The aim of this article is to discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various areas of the Human Resources Management (HRM) and to indicate whether there are uncertainties and challenges associated with it.^^ Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the following research questions: RQ1: What changes and uncertainties related to the HRM await modern enterprises?; RQ2: How do enterprises assess their ability to use AI in different areas of the HRM?; RQ3: Are enterprises ready for changes related to the implementation of AI in the HRM? Bearing the above in mind, the analysis of domestic and foreign literature sources and the author's pilot study using the online survey questionnaire as a research tool were adopted as a research method. The survey was carried out among a selected group of medium and large enterprises. ^^ Findings: The evaluation of the collected data has shown that companies are mostly aware of changes and uncertainties associated with the issue of human resources management (HRM) in the era of evolution of modern technologies using AI but, due to the fact that this is a completely new situation for them, it is impossible to refer to further consequences of AI interference with the HRM. ^^ Research limitations/implications: The study was a preliminary one. It is scheduled to be extended in the future to cover a wider scope of impact of AI technology on the HRM. AI is a constantly unwinding topic, so the actions taken by the company or analyzed by researchers related to the use of AI in the HRM may turn out to be outdated in the near future. Practical implications: The use of the AI technology in the HRM means in practice accelerating the implementation of the HRM activities and obtaining better work efficiency, thus achieving the HRM's goals in a shorter time. This is still associated with hybrid human- and-AI work, but it is possible that human work in some HRM tasks will be completely replaced in the future by modern technology. ^^ Social implications: The article indirectly addresses the issue of the prevailing anxiety and uncertainty about maintaining some jobs in the face of the development of AI tools. The hitherto research indicates that some of them may be justified, especially when it comes to repetitive analytical tasks in the HRM area. ^^ Originality/value: The article discusses the current topic of the use of AI-based solutions in business.(original abstract)
  • Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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