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2023 | z. 182 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary Management | 245--263
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Differences in Organizational Commitment of the Baby Boomers and the Generations X, Y, Z

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Purpose: This paper attempts to answer the following questions: does the level of organisational commitment of employees' generations differ significantly as well as which generation has the highest and which the lowest level of organisational commitment? Its purpose is to identify the differences in the level of commitment between generations of employees and to recognise generations that are characterized by its lowest and highest level. Methodology: The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among students and their family members representing diverse generations of employees. The sample consisted of 396 respondents of Baby Boomers and Generations X, Y, Z. The differences in the level of organizational commitment and its components between these generations were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis and nonparametric tests. Findings: The levels of commitment differed significantly between the examined generations of employees. Generation Z was characterised by the lowest level, while Baby Boomers by the highest level of commitment. The findings also suggested that generation Y was more similar to generation Z than to generation X regarding organisational commitment. Research limitations/implications: In future research, it would be particularly important to find out what activities are carried out to increase employee commitment in relation to the different generations of employees in organisations and whether they are in line with employees' needs and expectations. The purposive sampling method means that the results of the study are not representative and cannot be generalised, so a random sampling method should be used in the future. Practical implications: By providing insight into generational differences in organisational commitment, the study can contribute to the formulation of effective age-related policies adapted to the specific characteristics of employees' generations in organisations. Value: This study has provided empirical evidence on differences in the level of organisational commitment and its components between generations that were absent for four generations of employees. (original abstract)
  • University of Economics in Katowice
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