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2023 | z. 181 Nowoczesność przemysłu i usług = Modernity of industry and services | 619--632
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Assessment of Managerial Competencies by Generation Z

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Purpose: The aim of the text is to identify managerial competencies that are most and least desired by representatives of Generation Z. Additionally, the article sought to examine whether there are significant statistical differences in the evaluations of these competencies between women and men of this generation participating in the study.

Design/methodology/approach: The following research hypotheses were set: H1: There are specific managerial competencies that are particularly desired by representatives of Generation Z; H2: There are specific managerial competencies that are especially undesirable for representatives of Generation Z; H3: There are statistically significant differences in the assessments of managerial competencies between women and men of Generation Z. To verify hypotheses H1 and H2, basic statistical measures were used: arithmetic mean (M), median (Me), and standard deviation (SD). The Mann-Whitney U test was employed to verify hypothesis H3.

Findings: All competencies that were the subject of the study are highly rated by respondents, indicating a general consensus that these competencies are crucial for managers. The highest- rated competency is the clear definition of task structure, and the ability to manage crises effectively is also highly valued by respondents. Among competencies with lower ratings are such as creating an organized list of tasks that take into account the interdependencies between them or effectively motivating employees by using both rewards and punishments to achieve desired results. However, these competencies also achieved relatively high average values, emphasizing their significance. The Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant statistical differences in evaluations between women and men, confirming that both groups have similar expectations and opinions about the importance of various managerial competencies.

Research limitations/implications: The limitations of the text include the lack of representativeness of the study, resulting in the inability to generalize the findings. Future research directions may include: determining differences in the perception of managerial competencies stemming from diverse cultural traditions, examining whether respondents' expectations differ depending on the industry or sector they are employed in, and investigating whether specific personality traits influence expectations regarding managerial competencies.

Originality/value: The results can be significant for both the academic community and practitioners. This study enriches knowledge in the area of cohort theory, and the presented findings can assist in understanding Generation Z's expectations in the work environment. Additionally, the work provides a valuable contribution to literature in the field of human resource management, analyzing it through the lens of Generation Z.(original abstract)
  • Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
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