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2023 | z. 189 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary management | 87--105
Tytuł artykułu

Relations Between Leadership Features and Attributes of Managers and Organizational Resources of Social Capital in Enterprises

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Purpose: The paper presented concentrates on the illustration of the role of leadership in terms of creating the resources of social capital in an enterprise. The aim of this paper is to identify the impact of the features of the manager and his/her leadership attributes on the growth of the resources of social capital in enterprises.

Design/methodology/approach: The survey method was applied in the research with the following mixed techniques: CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) and CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview). On the basis of the method of random selection, a research sample encompassing 179 companies was created. The respondents were representatives of these enterprises, among others, personnel directors, HR department heads, while also HR specialists.

Findings: As a result of the research, an identification was made of the features of a manager that have the strongest impact on the resources of social capital, namely, the level of interest in enhancing the qualifications of the subordinates, while also being guided by ethical principles in relations with the subordinates, as well as the perception of trust as an important source of competitive advantage. Likewise, there is a definition of the relations between the leadership attributes associated with managing the organization, managing the personnel, trust and the creation of their own leader of the resources of social capital by indicating that the attributes associated with trust have the strongest impact on the majority of resources.

Research limitations: The acquired research findings with regard to their quantitative nature (survey research) constitutes the basis for the limited findings.

Practical implications: The research findings indicate the significant meaning of leadership in the process of developing the social capital of enterprises on the market.

Social implications: Drawing attention to the importance of leadership attributes in terms of creating social capital.

Originality/value: In a cognitive sense, the research findings lead to the familiarization with the role of a manager in social capital.(original abstract)
  • Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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