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2023 | 9 | nr 4 | 47--63
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Church Universities in the Higher Education System in Poland. Part 2: Universities Run by the Catholic Church

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This study serves as prolegomena to reflection on the legal framework of church universities in Poland. This article is the second of two parts of research on this issue. This installment specifically examines universities administered by the Catholic Church. The specifics of church universities within the Polish higher education system were outlined in Part 1, "Church Universities in the Higher Education System in Poland. Part 1: Universities Run by non-Catholic Churches and Religious Associations." Part 2 explores the legal and extralegal sources governing the operation of Catholic church universities in Poland. Additionally, it proposes a systematic categorization of these higher education institutions, providing descriptions and highlighting differences in their legal statuses. The "Summary" at the end of this text encompasses both the analyses presented in Part 1 and Part 2. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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