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2023 | 29 | nr 1 | 30--59
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Altruism/Non-Altruism Questionnaire - Short Version: The Revision of the Method Based on Bifactor Analysis

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The Altruism/Non-altruism (A-N) Questionnaire is a tool for measuring altruism, understood as the readiness to act selflessly for the benefit of other people without expecting an external reward. The article presents a review of past research that provides empirical evidence for the tool's validity and the results of two studies aimed at abridging the questionnaire. Study 1 (N = 641) included the shortening of the instrument and a preliminary assessment of the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version. In Study 2 (N = 388), the questionnaire was cross-validated, and its reliability and validity were assessed. The short version of the A-N Questionnaire proved to be a satisfactorily reliable and valid instrument for measuring altruism.(original abstract)
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  • John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
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