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2024 | 15 | nr 2 | 367--406
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Everyday Artificial Intelligence Unveiled : Societal Awareness of Technological Transformation

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Research background: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) weaves into the fabric of daily life, its societal and economic implications underscore the urgency of embracing an environment conducive to its informed adoption. This requires a sophisticated understanding of the societal perception and adaptability to AI, emphasizing the importance of developing comprehensive AI literacy.
Purpose of the article: This study inquiries into the sociodemographic underpinnings of AI literacy, aiming to demystify how knowledge about AI's capabilities in everyday tasks varies across individual population segments. It allows us to define the basic determinants that influence the differences in the individual population structures. It also reveals the potential risks associated with the use of AI.
Methods: This study investigates the awareness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily lives of the Czech population, focusing on the influence of socio-demographic factors. Utilizing computer-assisted web interviewing, we surveyed 1,041 respondents in April 2023, ensuring representativeness by applying quotas for age, gender, education, region, and residential area size. Our investigation spanned AI applications in sectors like customer service, music playlist recommendation, email sorting, healthcare, online shopping, and home devices.
Findings & value added: Findings taken from descriptive statistics reveal variable AI awareness levels across different domains, with younger demographics exhibiting notably lower awareness in several areas. Regression analysis highlighted that awareness is significantly associated with gender, age, and education level. Regression analysis showed that males, younger age groups and those with higher levels of education were more likely to correctly answer majority of questions about the role of AI in everyday life. These insights are crucial for stakeholders aiming to enhance AI literacy, tailor communication strategies, and develop digital platforms, offering guidance for policymakers and market analysts in optimizing AI-related initiatives. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Charles University in Prague, Czechia
  • Charles University in Prague, Czechia
  • Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
  • Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
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