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2024 | 15 | nr 2 | 124--135
Tytuł artykułu

Green Logistics Practices Toward a Circular Economy: a Way to Sustainable Development

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Języki publikacji
This research investigates the effects of green logistics practices on the sustainability performance of manufacturing enterprises in Oman, with a particular focus on the mediating role of circular economy practices. Analyzing data from 220 manufacturing companies through the PLS-SEM method, the findings reveal that green logistics management significantly enhances an organization's sustainability and adherence to circular economy principles. Notably, while supply chain trackability greatly impacts circular economy practices, it does not moderate the relationship between sustainable performance and green logistics. This study enhances the understanding of how green logistics can support sustainable development and the implementation of circular economy practices in the manufacturing sector(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Sohar University, Faculty of Business, Oman
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