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2024 | z. 195 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary Management | 413--428
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Utilization of Sports Infrastructure in Poland

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Purpose: Analysis of changes in the level of utilization of sports facilities in Poland in 2010, 2014, 2018. The study of the relationship between the degree of use of sports facilities and their number, the number of inhabitants, as well as expenditure on sports and income from this division according to budget classification. Discussion of selected issues related to the degree of utilization of sports facilities in Poland. Drawing attention to the problem of underutilization of sports facilities. Design/methodology/approach: The level of sports facilities utilization was presented using data from the Central Statistical Office. The canonical analysis method was used to develop detailed analyses. Findings: The use of canonical analysis allowed for determining the relationship between the level of utilization of sports facilities and selected variables. Research limitations/implications: The analysis covered the years 2010, 2014 and 2018 due to the availability of information published by the Central Statistical Office. The level of utilization applies to certain types of objects. Further analyses should include the issue of using outdoor gyms or cycle paths, which are not addressed in this paper. This is not possible from the point of view of the definition of the level of utilization of sports facilities, which cannot be applied to the above-mentioned facilities. Practical implications: Drawing attention to the underutilization of facilities is aimed to optimize their use. Addressing the issues should also stimulate interest in physical activity and raise awareness of deficits in occupancy of sports facilities. Social implications: A higher level of utilization of sports facilities can have a positive impact on the quality of life of inhabitants. Presented considerations may increase the awareness of the underutilization of specific types of facilities. The conclusions from the research may be used in practice and have an impact on increasing the accessibility to sports facilities for the society. Originality/value: The added value of the paper results from the specificity of the research topic it raises. Scientific publications seldom refer to the issue of the use of sports infrastructure. It is a rarely discussed topic. Its universality can be analysed in two aspects. The first concerns the recipients. They can be representatives of Local Government Units who face the problem of the functioning of sports facilities, managers of facilities and everyone from the circle of the broadly perceived sports labor market, but also ordinary users of this type of infrastructure. The second aspect concerns the applied research method, i.e., canonical analysis, which is used in many fields, as indicated in the content of the study. Conclusions from the results of the presented research can be used by all people who have impact on decision-making in the sphere of sports facilities management and the promotion of an active lifestyle. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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