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2024 | z. 192 Współczesne trendy w organizacji i zarządzaniu = Modern Trends in Organization and Management | 471--487
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Pro-environmental Consumer Engagement - Behavioral Changes in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Purpose: The aim of the article was to provide an overview of the phenomenon of the ecologization of consumption in the context of post-pandemic changes in consumer behaviors and attitudes. Design/methodology/approach: The critical analysis method used in literary research with the use of secondary sources was employed in the study. Findings: Contemporary consumption is inseparably linked to environmental concern, manifesting in the phenomenon of green consumerism. The trend of ecologizing consumption, stemming from the growing ecological awareness in society, was intensified in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the increasing popularity of green consumerism, the challenge lies in the "green gap" - the disparity between declared pro-environmental attitudes and the actual behaviors of consumers. Research limitations/implications: The paper is descriptive in nature. Further research should focus on developing a tool for measuring changes in consumer attitudes and behaviors following the COVID-19 pandemic. Social implications: The study identified significant aspects related to... Increasing the level of ecological awareness and shaping attitudes are only possible through public discourse and extensive information on the state and needs of the environment, as well as necessary pro-environmental actions. The social responsibility of consumers and the level of pro-environmental activities, as an expression of this responsibility, directly determine the quality of life for future generations. Originality/value: The novelty of the article lies in outlining the possibilities for the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic induced in the ecological awareness of many consumers. (original abstract)
  • University of Lodz
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