Tytuł artykułu

artykuł: Use of Transformer Multi-Level Inverters in Parallel Operation of Marine Generating Sets with PMSG (Tarnapowicz D.), s. 3-9
artykuł: Spreading of Cracks Due to Thermal Fatigue in Metal Molds (Ružbarský J., Biały W.), s. 11-18
artykuł: Problems of Friction Force Measurement Between Cylindrical Outdoor and Internal Slide Parts (Monieta J.), s. 19-25
artykuł: Detection and Recording of Acoustic Emission in Discrete IGBT Transistors (Gordon R., Dreas A.), s. 27-31
artykuł: Analysis of Corners Milling of Aluminum Alloy Elements (Anasiewicz K., Włodarczyk M.), s. 33-39
artykuł: Structural Model of The Electric Drive with Double-Fed Asynchronous Machine and Direct Torque Control (German-Galkin S., Kozak M.), s. 41-45
artykuł: Influence of Pressure Equalisation Elements on the Quality of Insulating Glass Units (Respondek Z.), s. 47-53
artykuł: Improvement of the Production Process in the Industry 4.0 Context (Grabowska S.), s. 55-62
artykuł: Design and Modeling of an Experimental Hydraulic Device (Tkáč Z., Halenár M., Kosiba J.), s. 63-68
artykuł: Design of Grinding Machine Spindle (Rudolf L., Fries J., Ucen O., Kubin T., Kudrna L.), s. 69-76
artykuł: Practical Aspects of Event Logs Creation for Industrial Process Modelling (Trzcionkowska A., Brzychczy E.), s. 77-83
artykuł: Quality Control in Aerosol Production (Fitrzyk A., Niemiec K.), s. 85-91
artykuł: Analysis of Device Failure in the Mechanical Production Plant (Sitko J., Mikuš R., Božek P.), s. 93-99
artykuł: Influence of Constructional and Kinematic Parameters of the New Solution of Roadheader Mining Head on the Effectiveness of its Work (Kotwica K., Sienkiewicz P.), s. 101-108
artykuł: Literature Research in the Field of Technology Assessment Using a Tool of a Systematic Literature Review (Palka D., Brodny J., Rızaoğlu T., Bağci U., Maščeník J.), s. 109-115
artykuł: Analysis of Weldings' Incompatibility in Constructions (Mazur M., Kuchariková L.), s. 129-135
artykuł: Monitoring the Quality of Laser Cutting (Bernát R., Záležák Z., Žarnovský J., Kecskés N., Peniaško M., Midor K.), s. 137-143
artykuł: Analysis of the Impact of Unscheduled Downtimes on Their Availability in Machine Operations (Brodny J.), s. 145-151
artykuł: Laboratory Tests of a Speed Control System for Roadheader Cutting Heads (Joostberens J., Heyduk A.), s. 153-159
artykuł: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of CNC Miller Programming on Machining Effects (Kuczmaszewski J., Pieśko P., Zawada-Michałowska M.), s. 161-167
artykuł: Carbide Milling Cutter Blades Durability During Machining of AL-SI Casting Alloy (Kuczmaszewski J., Pieśko P., Zawada-Michałowska M.), s. 169-175
artykuł: Assessment of the Range of Danger Zones Determined in a Function of LNG Chemical Composition (Kalbarczyk-Jedynak A.), s. 177-181
artykuł: Applying Harmonic Analysis in the Measurements of Geometrical Deviations Of Crankshafts - Roundness Shapes Analysis (Nozdrzykowski K.), s. 185-189
artykuł: Applying Harmonic Analysis in the Measurements of Geometrical Deviations of the Crankshafts - Selecting Support Conditions (Nozdrzykowski K.), s. 191-195
artykuł: Identification Accuracy of Additional Wave Resistance Through a Comparison of Multiple Regression and Artificial Neural Network Methods (Cepowski T.), s. 197-204
artykuł: Applying the Anticipatory Failure Determination at a Very Early Stage of a System's Development: Overview and Case Study (Chybowski L., Gawdzińska K., Souchkov V.), s. 205-215
artykuł: Example of Using Lean Manufacturing Tools in Assessing and Improving the Process of Car Arm Rest Production (Molenda M., Biernot A., Cierna H.), s. 217-222
artykuł: Tests of an Innovative Controller Designed to Control the Powered Roof Support (Szurgacz D., Gondek H.), s. 223-231
artykuł: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Methane from CNG in Motor Vehicles in Polish Conditions (Górniak A., Midor K., Kaźmierczak J., Kaniak W.), s. 241-247
artykuł: Systems Engineering in SMEs - a Case of RFID Solutions Provider (Buczacki A., Gładysz B.), s. 249-255
artykuł: Highly Efficient Technology for Manufacturing of Spunlace Non-Woven Fabric in the Company Novita S.A. Poland - Description and Characteristic of the R&D Actions (Sąsiadek M., Woźniak W., Jankowski B., Błaszczyk U., Stryjski R.), s. 269-277
artykuł: Review of the Hard-Facing Technology Application for Reparation of the Given Parts in Various Branches of Industry (Lazić V., Arsić D., Mutavdžić M., Nikolić R., Meško J., Radović L., Ilić N.), s. 279-286
artykuł: Review of the Hard-Facing Technology Application for Reparation of the Given Parts in Various Branches of Industry (Heyduk A., Kalinowski K., Kaula R., Pielot J.), s. 287-294
artykuł: Application of Arduino Module to Research in Surface Physics (Nowrot A., Solecka B.), s. 295-300
artykuł: A Fast Method of Identifying Rechargeable Batteries Condition and Defects (Kuliński K., Nowrot A.), s. 301-305
artykuł: New Way of Monitoring of the Production Environment with Application of Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence (Szajna A., Szajna J., Stryjski R., Basl J., Brodny J.), s. 307-313
artykuł: Application of Industrial Automatics Systems for Monitoring of Operational States of Machines (Brodny J.), s. 315-321
artykuł: Impact Study of a Dust Removal System on Reduction of Selected Health Hazards of Employees in Carpentry (Michalski K., Gembalska-Kwiecień A., Musioł A., Olejárová Š.), s. 323-329
artykuł: Mechanisation of Longwall Extraction of Hard and Abrasive Rocks (Bołoz Ł., Krauze K., Kubín T.), s. 331-337
artykuł: The Sourcing of Technologies, an Investigation in Metal Processing Cluster in Poland (Urban W., Krawczyk-Dembicka E.), s. 339-344
artykuł: Concept of Methodology for Supporting Information and Technical Resources Management in Crisis Situations (Kaźmierczak J., Uchroński J.), s. 345-351
artykuł: Exploitation Policy in the Aspect of Industry 4.0 Concept - Overview of Selected Research (Timofiejczuk A., Brodny J., Loska A.), s. 353-359
artykuł: Innovative Visualization System Designed to Monitor Parameters of Mining Systems Operation (Szurgacz D., Brodny J.), s. 361-368
artykuł: Surface Treatment Proposals for the Automotive Industry by the Example of 316L Steel (Dudek A., Lisiecka B.), s. 369-376
artykuł: Initial Excitation Issues of Synchronous Generator with VSI Inverter in Varying Rotational Speed Operation (Kozak M.), s. 377-383
artykuł: Process Modelling Based on Event Logs (Brzychczy E.), s. 385-392
artykuł: Continuous Quality Improvement of an Engineering Program as a Requirement for Abet Accreditation (Grebski M., Wolniak R., Grebski W.), s. 393-398
artykuł: The Case Study of Bottlenecks Identification for Practical Implementation to the Theory of Constraints (Urban W., Rogowska P.), s. 399-405
artykuł: Use of Mulifactor Models with Garch Structure in Carbon Emissions Risk Management (Włodarczyk A., Kadłubek M.), s. 407-413
artykuł: Analysis of Powered Roof Support Operation Based on a Virtual Driver (Szurgacz D., Brodny J.), s. 415-421
artykuł: Mitigating the Risk of Documentary Discrepancy in Process of Estonian Export Letters of Credit Transaction (Alavi H., Kerikmäe T.), s. 425-432
artykuł: Mitigating Uncertainties in Decision Making in Early Phases of Rfid Implementation (Gładysz B.), s. 433-441
artykuł: Contemporary Computer Support Design Solutions for Industrial Infrastructure (Kostrzewa W., Kałkowska E., Nozdrzykowski K.), s. 443-449
artykuł: The Effects of Implementing 5s as the Foundation for Work Improvement on The Workplace (Bartnicka C.), s. 451-455
artykuł: Improving Production Efficiency of Large Size Molds as a Result of Innovative Quality Control Process (Skowron-Grabowska B., Jasiński J. J., Jasińska A., Beňo P., Paško J.), s. 457-465
artykuł: Technical Infrastructure of "Smart City": Needs of Integrating Various Management Tasks (Kaźmierczak J., Loska A., Kučera M., Abashidze I.), s. 467-473
artykuł: Production Control in the Company (Dźwigoł H., Firlej L., Munteanu A. C.), s. 475-481
artykuł: Sales Forecasting and Coal Mining Planning in the Context of Hard Coal Production Strategies (Rybak A., Manowska A.), s. 483-489
artykuł: Microtools Based on the Relational Data Model - Conformity Between Foreign and Primary Keys (Szczęśniak B.), s. 491-497
artykuł: Forecasts of Size of Steel Production in Poland Until 2022 (Gajdzik B.), s. 499-505
artykuł: Selected Aspects of Development of Human Capital in Industrial Enterprises (Ogórek M., Strycharska D.), s. 507-513
artykuł: Knowledge Management as a Component of Integrated Management Systems (Skuza Z., Prusak R.), s. 515-520
artykuł: Quality Improvement in the Production Company (Rosak-Szyrocka J., Knop K.), s. 521-527
artykuł: Improvement of Production Processes With the Use of Lean Manufacturing Tools (Furman J., Kuczyńska-Chałada M., Poloczek R.), s. 529-535
artykuł: Information Quality Management and the Aspect of Profit and Loss in the Customer Service Process (Żywiołek J., Ulewicz R.), s. 537-543
artykuł: Economic Aspects of Analysis of Occurrence of Incidential Events on the Scope of Security of Information in a Production Enterprise (Żywiołek J.), s. 545-552
artykuł: The Challenges for Logistics in the Aspect of Industry 4.0 (Kuczyńska-Chałada M., Furman J., Poloczek R.), s. 553-559
artykuł: Factors of Succession of Polish Family Production and Mixed Enterprises (Dźwigoł-Barosz J., Lazarenko D.), s. 561-567
artykuł: Paths to Explain Employee Job Satisfaction. A Fuzzy-Set Analysis (Gębczyńska M., Kwiotkowska A.), s. 569-576
artykuł: Controlling in the Process of Managing a Modern Enterprise (Dźwigoł H., Bezchasnyi O.), s. 577-585
artykuł: Use of the Decision Table for Supporting Management Process in Mining Companies (Stecuła K., Brodny J., Chikhradze M.), s. 587-593
artykuł: Legal Aspects and Statistics of Work Injuries in the Czech Republic (Krügerová M., Koziel M., Martiníková J.), s. 595-601
artykuł: Ecological Innovations in Agricultural Production as A Pro-Development Factor of the Economy (Graczyk M., Kułyk P., Kaźmierczak-Piwko L., Augustowski Ł.), s. 603-612
artykuł: New Product Management with The Application of The Manufacturing Company Project Portfolio Management Concept (Musioł-Urbańczyk A., Sorychta-Wojsczyk B.), s. 613-619
artykuł: Challenges Faced by Businesses in The Mining Industry in The Context of The Industry 4.0 Philosophy (Sukiennik M.), s. 621-626
artykuł: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Material Requirements Planning in a Mining Enterprise (Bąk P. B., Michalak A.), s. 627-633
artykuł: Quality Assessment of E-Commerce Service in The Context of Customer Expiriences (Radziszewska A.), s. 635-640
artykuł: The Influence of Industry 4.0 On The Enterprise Competitiveness (Stasiak-Betlejewska R., Parv L., Gliń W.), s. 641-648
artykuł: Value Streams Mapping in Theimp Lementation of Process Innovations - in The Case of Single-Unit Production (Klimecka-Tatar D., Kapustka K.), s. 649-655
artykuł: Assessment of Customer Satisfaction as An Element Deciding About Enterprise's Competitiveness (Ingaldi M., Kotus M.), s. 657-664
artykuł: Quality Management in The Process of Selection of Material for Dump Truck Elements (Ulewicz R., Nový F.), s. 665-671
artykuł: Cloud Manufacturing Platform and Architecture Design (Siderska J., Mubarok K.), s. 673-680
artykuł: Evaluation of The Diversity of Training Quality Conducted as Part of General Training and On-The-Job Training - Case Study (Korban Z., Kołodziejczyk P., Rabasová M.), s. 683-688
artykuł: Creating Participation of Employees in Improving Work Safety in Enterprise (Gembalska-Kwiecień A., Skotnicka-Zasadzień B., Wolniak R., Bujna M.), s. 689-694
artykuł: Ergonomic and Workflow Study of Sausage Production Process in The Context of Manual Transport Tas (Kabiesz P., Bartnicka J.), s. 695-701
artykuł: Improvement of The Ergonomic Quality of The Work Process (Lis T., Nowacki K., Łakomy K.), s. 703-710
artykuł: Penal Law Protection of A Production Enterprise Employee in The Light of Obligations on The Occupational Safety and Health (Kąkol C.), s. 711-717
artykuł: Fault Tree Analysis as A Tool To Increase The Level of Security in An Enterprise (Ignac-Nowicka J., Krenický T.), s. 719-725
artykuł: Assessment of Wood Processing Safety in The Production Organization (Kotus M., Koloman K., Hudec M.), s. 727-737
artykuł: Ergonomic Diagnosis of A Computer Workstation (Żabińska I., Kuboszek A., Sujova E., Zitnansky J.), s. 739-744
artykuł: Fire Behaviors of The Geomaterial-Based Composite Plaster Coated Building Thermal Isolation Plates (Rızaoğlu T., Karataş M. Z.), s. 745-750
artykuł: Ergonomic Diagnosis of Concrete Mixer Workplace. Case Study (Żabińska I., Kuboszek A.), s. 751-758
artykuł: A Computerized Tool for Education and Training on Ergonomic Risk Evaluation (Lasota A. M., Baron-Polańczyk E.), s. 759-765
artykuł: Application of Model-Based Tests for Analysing The Consequences of Mine Fires (Tutak M.), s. 767-774
artykuł: It Systems Supporting Waste Management in Municipalities - Research Results (Stępień M., Białecka B., Stalmachova B.), s. 777-783
artykuł: Unstandardized Lca-Based Technology Sustainability Assessment for Alternative Energy Scenarios for Cogeneration System (Kluczek A.), s. 785-791
artykuł: Environmental Efficiency of Industrial Symbiosis - LCA Case Study for Gypsum Exchange (Marcinkowski A.), s. 793-800
artykuł: Analysis of The Scale of Methane Hazard in Polish Hard Coal Mines (Tutak M.), s. 801-807
artykuł: The Relationship Between Environmental Uncertainty and Enterprise Performance. A Fuzzy-Set Analysis (Kwiotkowska A., Gębczyńska M.), s. 809-816
artykuł: Environmental Performance of The Technology of Production of Bimodal Polyethylene (HDPE) with The Application of LCA Techniques (Graczyk M., Kaźmierczak-Piwko L., Ganczewski G.), s. 817-827
artykuł: Comparative Analysis of Danger Zone Ranges Determined for LNG in The Coastal Area (Kalbarczyk-Jedynak A., Stochła D., Patsch M.), s. 829-834
artykuł: Analysis of Sustainable Production Practices Implemented by Car Manufacturers (Hąbek P., Villahoz, Lavios J. J.), s. 837-843
artykuł: Towards Smart City: Influence of Air Pollution on The Local Community of The Zabrze City in Surveys and Field Research (Ignac-Nowicka J.), s. 845-850
artykuł: Fault Tree Analysis as A Tool To Increase The Level of Security in An Enterprise (Gruszka S., Gašpar Š.), s. 851-856
artykuł: Optimizing The Use of Human Resources in Industrial-Service Enterprises (Tychoniuk A., Wyczółkowski R., Stuchlý V.), s. 857-865
artykuł: Personal Care Robots for Senior Adults - Analysis and Assessment of The Current State of Selected Gerontechnology (Halicka K.), s. 867-873
artykuł: Trust in Technology in Case of Humanoids Used for The Care for The Senior Persons (Ejdys J.), s. 875-881
artykuł: Verification of The Physical Load in Work of Nurses in Slovakia and Poland (Cechova I., Bartnicka J., Dulina L.), s. 883-887
artykuł: Use of Transformer Multi-Level Inverters in Parallel Operation of Marine Generating Sets with PMSG (Tarnapowicz D.), s. 3-9
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