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w słowach kluczowych:  Unemployment duration
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Content available remote A Dynamic Approach to the Study of Unemployment Duration
In this research work we investigate which factors influence the probability of leaving the unemployment state among people registered in the District Labor Office in Słupsk. The multiepisode hazard models with time-varying variables are suitable tools for this analysis. We introduced the changing labor market structure into the risk model. The main results achieved show that the job finding process depends on the historical time of the entry into the unemployment state and the actual historical time. Also, the specific individual characteristics of people unemployed, such as gender, age, marital status, place of residence, education level, influence the probability of exiting the unemployment state. There is a greater tendency to leave the unemployment state when the person doesn't receive the unemployment benefit. The participation in the vocational training doesn't increase the transition rate into employment. (original abstract)
This paper investigates the impact of individual characteristics (gender, age, education level, and marital status) and regional influences on unemployment duration of young in Tunisia using data from the Panel Study of Tunisia Labor Market 2014 (TLMPS 2014). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival function are presented (used) to analyze the determinants of unemployment duration. Results point (out) significant differences between men and women in the difficulty of getting a first job. These differences consist mainly in the following points. First, education appears as a highly positive factor in reducing the duration of unemployment, particularly for women. Second, the rural - urban gap continues to be significant in this context. Third, residents of regions with higher unemployment rates, all else equal, have longer duration of unemployment. In all regions, women have relatively longer duration of unemployment. Fourth, the unemployed persons from the age group 25-30 years have a higher probability of remaining unemployed. Fifth, married women have significantly longer duration than married men before finding jobs. These results may be useful and can improve the implementation of adequate policies on the Labor market of Tunisia by identifying vulnerable groups of persons that look for employment. (original abstract)
Skuteczność przeciwdziałania bezrobociu jest uwarunkowana między innymi wiarygodną analizą czynników wpływających na czas trwania bezrobocia. W sondażowych badaniach rynku pracy poziom braków odpowiedzi jest niejednokrotnie wysoki. Ponadto badania takie są narażone na "wyczerpywanie się" danych, ponieważ część jednostek rezygnuje z udziału w trakcie cyklu badawczego. Niekompletność próby nie zawsze skutkuje obciążonością wnioskowania statystycznego. Zależy to w szczególności od wpływu posiadania zatrudnienia na prawdopodobieństwo odmowy i jest to tzw. efekt przyczynowy [van den Berg i in. 2006]. W pracy omawia się wybrane badania obciążoności spowodowanej absencją respondentów, wykorzystujące dane ankietowe uzupełnione informacjami administracyjnymi, oraz rozważa się możliwość jednoczesnego wykorzystania danych zbieranych przez GUS i urzędy pracy.(abstrakt oryginalny)
W artykule przedstawiono uogólnienie dwustanowego modelu, który jest szeroko stosowany w ekonometrii do modelowania czasu trwania bezrobocia. Do zwykłych dwóch stanów "zatrudnienia" i "bezrobocia" dodaje się trzeci stan, reprezentujący te jednostki, które z różnych przyczyn stają się niezdolne do pracy. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper investigates the characteristics and determinants of the transition of young men and women from education (dropping out) to work in Tunisia, using data from the Panel Study of Tunisia Labor Market 2014 (TLMPS 2014). One of the main findings is that 17 per cent of the 15 to 35 years old population remains in transition. One - third had completed the transition. The remaining (55 per cent) had not started transition. The transited category is strongly male-dominated while young females face a particularly difficult time. Youths who were still in transition were largely unemployed. Econometric method (Kaplan-Meier or product limit estimator) is used to analyze the determinants of unemployment duration. Results point to differences between men and women in the difficulty of getting a decent job. They confirm that individual characteristics (gender, area of residence and level of education...) influence the length of transition from school to the labor market. Indeed, we found the following. First, for most youth, the school-to-work transition is not long to a first job, but it takes on average more five years to complete the transition to a stable or satisfactory job. One third of young males and females found a first job through contact with employers. Second, transition period decreases substantially as education level increases. Third, the rural - urban gap continues to be significant. Fourth, the probability of longer unemployment is found to be considerably higher among women and lower education. The study offers some recommendations in terms of economic policy on the insertion of young people. (original abstract)
Research background: The most important indicators that describe the situation on the labour market are the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration. If both these indicators are high, then the human capital deteriorates. Therefore, it seems justified to analyse the mutual relationships between them.Purpose of the article: The article aims at finding the relationships between the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration, and checking if the mutual courses of these two indicators in the Visegrad Group countries are connected with each other.Methods: The business cycle clock methodology will be used to analyse the relationship between the unemployment rate and the median unemployment duration. Next, the similarity of the course of these two indicators will be analysed by means of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) technique.Findings & Value added: Amongst the analysed countries, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia were, to a certain degree, similar with respect to the mutual course of the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration. Until the peak of the financial crisis in 2009, the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration decreased. During the next years, the unemployment rate was increasing and after 2-3 years it was followed by the increase of the unemployment duration. The situation improved after the year 2013 - both indicators were decreasing. In Hungary, on the contrary, the unemployment rate was increasing or steady until 2012, and during the following years it started to decrease. However, the course of the unemployment duration was completely different than in remaining countries. The value added of the article is application of the business clock cycle and the Dynamic Time Warping technique in finding the relationships and similarity of courses between the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration. (original abstract)
I study multiple unemployment spells. I refer to Poland, as this country experiences high incidence of the long-term unemployment and long mean incomplete unemployment duration. I estimate conditional risk set model for multiple spells, and Cox model for 1st to 5th spell, separately. I use time-to-event data (complete spells) for almost 435000 individuals in the 2007-2014 period from five public employment offices. Almost 99% of the individuals have up to 5 spells, but "only" 60% of them experience one complete spell. I find that subsequent unemployment spells are on average shorter, but slightly more individuals experience longer subsequent spells. Thus, those who exit either learn how to seek job or decide to leave the pool. Younger males with primary education are better off at leaving the pool, but the impact of sex and education diminishes in subsequent spells. Tertiary education, since 2nd spell, also entails higher hazard of leaving the pool. Results indicate heterogeneity among job seekers and mismatch between job seekers and job vacancies (as public employment offices often have low quality job offers). (original abstract)
The goal of the study is to prove the effectiveness of training programs directed to the unemployed on the local labor market in Poland. We estimate a semiparametric hazard model to assess the impact of training on the individual's unemployment duration. To resolve the potential sample selection problem, the participation in a training program is instrumented using a probit model. The main question of this paper is whether the training significantly raises the transition rate from the unemployment into the employment state. (original abstract)
W analizie czasu trwania bezrobocia rejestrowanego występują dane cenzurowane dwojakiego rodzaju. Jeżeli zdarzeniem kończącym obserwację jest podjęcie pracy, to obserwacjami cenzurowanymi są przypadki wyrejestrowania z pozostałych przyczyn (np. przejście na rentę lub emeryturę, wyjazd za granicę, niezgłoszenie się w urzędzie) lub obserwacje, które nie zakończyły się zdarzeniem przed końcem okresu badania. Pojęcie podjęcie pracy obejmuje różne formy wyjścia z bezrobocia: podjęcie zatrudnienia lub działalności gospodarczej, skorzystanie z subsydiowanych form zatrudnienia: prac interwencyjnych lub robót publicznych. Wszystkie te formy stanowią różne rodzaje zdarzeń konkurujących. Celem artykułu jest wykorzystanie funkcji skumulowanej częstości do oceny prawdopodobieństwa wyjścia z bezrobocia oraz modeli hazardu do oceny intensywności tego wyjścia dla różnych rodzajów ryzyk konkurujących. Zastosowane metody pozwoliły na ocenę wpływu innych niż praca przyczyn wyrejestrowania z urzędu pracy(abstrakt oryginalny)
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest identyfikacja czynników demograficznych oraz społeczno-ekonomicznych wpływających na długość czasu pozostawania bez pracy. Zbiór danych wykorzystany w badaniu pochodzi z badań Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego "Budżety Gospodarstw Domowych 2008". Do analizy determinant długości czasu pozostawania bezrobotnym wykorzystano bayesowski wykładniczy model przeżycia. W estymacji modelu wykorzystano metody Monte Carlo oparte na łańcuchach Markowa, a w szczególności próbnik Gibbsa. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy otrzymano, że wśród wybranych do modelowania zmiennych objaśniających: płeć, stan cywilny, poziom wykształcenia, informacja o tym, czy respondent nadal się dokształca, region Polski, który zamieszkuje respondent oraz wiek w momencie badania, tylko dwie okazały się statystycznie nieistotne: stan cywilny oraz informacja o tym, czy respondent nadal się dokształca. (abstrakt oryginalny)
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