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Liczba wyników
1997 | 142 Rynek pracy i bezrobocie. Cz. 4 | 7--26
Tytuł artykułu

Aktywność zawodowa kobiet w Polsce

Warianty tytułu
Economic Activity of Women in Poland
Języki publikacji
Autorka wykorzystała dane zawarte w badaniach aktywności ekonomicznej ludności prowadzonych przez GUS pod nazwą BAEL. Poddała analizie trzy grupy populacji: pracujących, bezrobotnych i biernych zawodowo. Wskazała na zróżnicowanie sytuacji mężczyzn i kobiet na rynku pracy w sposób niekorzystny dla kobiet. W warunkach bezrobocia są one grupą społeczną bardziej pokrzywdzoną. Zwraca uwagę fakt, że bezrobotne kobiety są lepiej wykształcone od mężczyzn.
The article analyzes economic activity of women in Poland on the basis of findings of the survey of population's economic activity made by the Central Statistical Office in May 1994. The analysis shows a differentiated situation of men and women on the labour market, which is unfavourable for women. There were distinguished three groups of women with regard to their activity on the labour market: working, unemployed and economically passive women. Symptoms of discrimination can be discovered when analyzing each of these groups. Although women have a comparable or even a higher level of education than men, they much more seldom hold managerial positions, they are more often than men exposed to loss of jobs and it is more difficult for them to find a new job. That is why unemployment among women is more frequently of longterm character. Unemployed women are better educated than men. In their case, sex is a stronger discriminating factor than level of education. The situation on labour market presented on the basis of the above mentioned survey is confirmed by the results of many other surveys concerning unemployment. It seems that women should try to help themselves displaing a greater activeness in the socio-economic life and in all issues connected with the labour market.(original abstract)
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